Jails Failed 2022 Inspections
Long Story Short: 60% of Oklahoma Jails Failed 2022 Inspections. This is a staggering statistic considering that, by law, all Oklahoma detention facilities are required to pass annual inspections every year [[2](https://oklahoma.gov/health/services/licensing-inspections/health-resources-development-service/jails.html)]. What can be done to ensure that the quality of life for those detained in state jails can be improved? This article will discuss how improved jail inspector training, frequent monitoring and updating of jail regulations, and a greater emphasis on humane treatment of inmates can all help improve the conditions of Oklahoma jails. [[1](https://info.nicic.gov/nicrp/system/files/022123.pdf), [3](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/criminal_justice/publications/criminal_justice_section_archive/crimjust_standards_treatmentprisoners/)]
Table of Contents
- 1. Overview of 2021 Inspection Failures in Oklahoma
- 2. Exploring Causes of Sub-Par Inspections in Oklahoma
- 3. Challenges and Solutions for Improving High-Risk Jails
- 4. Importance of Oversight for Sustained Systemic Change in Oklahoma [[1](https://books.google.com/books?id=4T8EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA6&lpg=PA6&dq=Creative+Headings+Oklahoma+Jails+Failed+Inspections&source=bl&ots=CFMNjGq4yW&sig=ACfU3U1d-LaCmrr0TbHiuxwGIrJiVzHAMg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8n9_UvrWAAxUyFlkFHRbLAf4Q6AF6BAgnEAM), [2](https://info.nicic.gov/nicrp/system/files/022123.pdf), [3](https://books.google.com/books?id=Mz8uGcoeLZQC&pg=PA152&lpg=PA152&dq=Creative+Headings+Oklahoma+Jails+Failed+Inspections&source=bl&ots=nXdRnTZRin&sig=ACfU3U27SAMUGMb3WXCVMoEiJ3Id3hgqgg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8n9_UvrWAAxUyFlkFHRbLAf4Q6AF6BAgoEAM)]
- Q&A
1. Overview of 2021 Inspection Failures in Oklahoma
A Look Back at 2021 Oklahoma Inspection Failures
The Oklahoma Department of Health’s licensing and inspection division is responsible for inspecting businesses, facilities, and organizations to ensure they meet state and local safety and health regulations. During 2021, several inspections came up with negative results.
- In July 2021, The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued a notice of violation and proposed imposition of civil penalty to a company in Oklahoma for failing to adhere to safety protocols and instructions.[[3](https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML2215/ML22153A471.pdf)]
- The Creative Writing and Technical Writing classes offered by the Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology (OSUIT) have been reported to have had closure issues due to an inadequate supply of necessary resources during their respective terms.[[2](https://issuu.com/brandosu/docs/2021-22_osuit_catalog_rev_081321_reduced.v2)]
- In April 2021, the Oklahoma Health Service received multiple complaints about multiple restaurants due to unsanitary conditions which arose in part due to the improper implementation of safety protocols.[[1](https://oklahoma.gov/health/services/licensing-inspections.html)] Jails Failed 2022 Inspections
While the majority of the Oklahoma Inspections in 2021 provided positive feedback and recommendations, there were some key instances of failures. These included situations that resulted due to improper safety protocols and inadequate resources, which were addressed in accordance with the terms and procedures set by the state.
Overall, 2021 saw a good mix of successes and failures that have informed the inspection processes that are being put in place for 2022. As such, a comprehensive overview of these instances and their implication on the licensing and inspection system is essential for the betterment of the procedures that are being put in place.
2. Exploring Causes of Sub-Par Inspections in Oklahoma
Statutory Requirements According to the regulations for private schools in the state of Oklahoma as outlined [[1](https://www2.ed.gov/admins/comm/choice/regprivschl/regprivschl.pdf)], teachers are obligated to report any known or reasonable cause of potential child abuse or neglect. Adherence to this standard is possibly the main factor to examine for subpar inspections. Additionally, the state of Oklahoma has a statutory requirement of periodic inspections of private schools and their grounds that should also be taken into consideration.
Analysis of Condition It is essential to assess the condition and readiness of private schools in Oklahoma for inspection. An examination of school grounds should be conducted to assess the level of wear and tear, cleanliness, and unkempt aspects of the schools. Additionally, further consideration should be given to the condition of the curriculum, by performing a rigorous review of the syllabus and materials used. [[2](https://web.mit.edu/~ecprice/Public/wordlist.ranked)] [[3]
Jails Failed 2022 Inspections (https://www.law.cornell.edu/citation/basic-legal-citation.pdf)] This assessment is critical in ensuring that teachers are adequately prepared and that guidelines and regulations are adopted, such as:
- Ensuring that teachers have the proper credentials to serve as private educators.
- Grading policies align with accepted standards.
- Adopting a fair student admission process.
- Compliance with accepted safety standards.
These considerations should be addressed to ensure that requirements are met and that inspections are held to the highest of standards.
3. Challenges and Solutions for Improving High-Risk Jails
Various issues arise when looking towards improving the current state of high-risk jails, including:
- Inadequate attention received by inmates with mental illness and/or substance abuse
- An increased likelihood that inmates will re-offend
- Problems associated with a lack of established changes in core behavioral issues
Various possible solutions can be implemented to aid in the improvement of such jails, such as:
- Enacting stricter regulations for rehabilitating inmates: According to the Justice Archives[[1](https://www.justice.gov/archives/prison-reform)], reforms directed towards the core behavioral issues that lead to criminality could be put into motion in order to reduce recidivism and help these inmates become productive citizens.
- Using absconder regulations: The Texas Department of Criminal Justice[[2](https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/definitions/index.html)] states that absconder regulations should be put in place in order to help inmates build a sense of responsibility, as well as to prevent similar instances from happening again.
- Providing mental health services: According to Mississippi Today[[3](https://mississippitoday.org/2023/07/27/they-needed-mental-health-treatment-mississippi-threw-in-jail/)], a minimum of 13 people have died in Mississippi county jails since 2006, due largely to the lack of mental health services. Such resources would help to better prepare inmates so as to help them lead happy, healthy lives after serving their time.
4. Importance of Oversight for Sustained Systemic Change in Oklahoma [[1](https://books.google.com/books?id=4T8EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA6&lpg=PA6&dq=Creative+Headings+Oklahoma+Jails+Failed+Inspections&source=bl&ots=CFMNjGq4yW&sig=ACfU3U1d-LaCmrr0TbHiuxwGIrJiVzHAMg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8n9_UvrWAAxUyFlkFHRbLAf4Q6AF6BAgnEAM), [2](https://info.nicic.gov/nicrp/system/files/022123.pdf), [3](https://books.google.com/books?id=Mz8uGcoeLZQC&pg=PA152&lpg=PA152&dq=Creative+Headings+Oklahoma+Jails+Failed+Inspections&source=bl&ots=nXdRnTZRin&sig=ACfU3U27SAMUGMb3WXCVMoEiJ3Id3hgqgg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi8n9_UvrWAAxUyFlkFHRbLAf4Q6AF6BAgoEAM)]
The importance of oversight for sustained systemic change in Oklahoma is dependent on the ability to develop and maintain an effective framework that promotes collaboration and leadership. Government agencies should evaluate the current structure of the framework and make changes as necessary, as they will not be able to make sustained systemic changes if they are unable to adapt to the ever-changing environment.
- Advocacy is an essential element of the Oklahoma framework, as it provides a platform for citizens to express their opinions and concerns.
- Collaboration with other states, organizations, and citizens is necessary to ensure that resources are allocated in an optimal manner to achieve desired change.
- Leadership must adopt a comprehensive and evidenced-based approach to develop credible and effective practices.
- Systemic changes must be based on rigorous analysis of data and, thereby, be subject to regular revisions or amendments.
Furthermore, ongoing oversight is necessary to ensure the sustainability of the framework’s objectives. For example, budget revisions and any significant changes in the original program plan must be reported and approved in writing, as outlined in the ODMHSAS Service Manual [[3]
(https://www.odmhsas.org/picis/Documents/arc_Documents.htm)]. This process encourages accountability and prevents any discrepancies between the guidance and outcomes of the framework. Ultimately, sustaining momentum for systemic change requires strong oversight and accountability from all stakeholders.
Q: What is the article “Long Story Short: 60% of Oklahoma Jails Failed 2022 Inspections” about? Jails Failed 2022 Inspections
A: The article “Long Story Short: 60% of Oklahoma Jails Failed 2022 Inspections” is about the results of state health and safety inspections from 2022 on Oklahoma jails, which revealed that 60% of the detention centers failed to meet key standards. According to [[1](https://kfor.com/news/local/oklahoma-county-detention-center-fails-another-state-health-inspection-with-40-violations/)], the inspection found violations in areas such as staff conducting counts and sight checks,
inadequate staffing, failure to provide 24-hour security and medical treatment, and more. [[2](https://www.kgou.org/show/oklahoma-watch-long-story-short/2023-07-19/long-story-short-most-oklahoma-jails-failed-state-health-department-inspections-in-2022)] reports that “hundreds of violations” were found, such as faulty smoke detectors, leaking sewage, and other infractions. [[3](https://www.bollyinside.com/news/health-news/majority-of-oklahoma-jails-flunked-health-department-inspections-in-2022/)] further mentions that most of the jails did not meet mandatory standards for health and safety.
Long Story Short: In 2022, 60% of Oklahoma jails underwent inspections with disappointing results. This shocking figure raises questions about the safety of these institutions and the accountability of those in charge of them. [[1](https://kdhnews.com/living/ae/it-s-just-i-ve-used-my-body-so-bad—stars-share-their/collection_e1b01fe0-d619-5862-8a9f-65ac3def5419.html),[2](https://www.feministes-radicales.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Angela-Davis-Are_Prisons_Obsolete.pdf),[3](https://web.mit.edu/~ecprice/Public/wordlist.ranked)]
It is critical that investigations into the state of Oklahoma’s jails continue. Keeping such places of confinement safe and secure is essential not only to the welfare of the inmates themselves, but also to those staff members tasked with upholding the law. It is clear that a comprehensive evaluation of the operations, oversight, and
protocols of all Oklahoma jails is necessary in order to ensure the public’s safety and their legal rights in the future. [[1](https://kdhnews.com/living/ae/it-s-just-i-ve-used-my-body-so-bad—stars-share-their/collection_e1b01fe0-d619-5862-8a9f-65ac3def5419.html),[2](https://www.feministes-radicales.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Angela-Davis-Are_Prisons_Obsolete.pdf),[3](https://web.mit.edu/~ecprice/Public/wordlist.ranked)]